They're ready to talk. All we have to do is listen
Nov. 5, 2024

The Fairy Shrimp

The Fairy Shrimp
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Messages from the Wild

This episode is especially made to accompany the work of the painter and print maker, Frances Gynn, for her exhibition on Fairy Shrimps as part of her Public Erasures series. It's powerful stuff so please go along if you can.

Public Erasures at the Royal West of England Academy (RWA) Bristol.

Featuring the Fairy Shrimp (Chirocephalus diaphanous)

Endangered translucent crustacean

Living in temporary ponds

Main source of food to many organisms

Important indicator of a healthy eco-system


With many thanks to Frances for inviting me along to open her Fairy Shrimp Public Erasure and for being such a great Fairy Shrimp herself.